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HTWP [2020] Studio Shot (1).jpg

The Razer Hammerhead True Wireless and True Wireless Pro are the first pairs of the earbuds that the cult gaming giants have produced. The design aims to achieve the most comfortable and compact form possible, so that listening to your favourite tunes or battling out gunfights on your mobile will be ever so convenient.


Building upon the legacy of the Hammerhead name, the Triple Headed Snake logo in a lens is the iconic design feature that carries throughout the product line. Multiple studies were done to discover that the stem form factor of the earbuds creates the least fatigue on your ears, as the weight of the components are situated below the concha, and thus have a lower center of gravity and pressure against the tragus and anti tragus.

amelia mockups.png
Hammerhead TW Pro [2020] Render05.png
Hammerhead TW Pro [2020] Render07.png
Hammerhead TW Pro [2020] Render04 Cover Image with shadow.png
HTWP [2020] Studio Shot (2).jpg
RZR HHTW PRO [2020] Lifestyle US (1).jpg


16-9_HHTW Social Media [2020] (2).jpg
Hammerhead True Wireless Earbuds  [2019] Render06.png
Hammerhead True Wireless Earbuds  [2019] Render02.png
Hammerhead True Wireless Earbuds  [2019] Render03.png
Hammerhead True Wireless Earbuds  [2019] Render04.png
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