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Client Work with NextOfKin Creatives, 2014.


San Diego based Brain Corporation approached us to design a 3D printed robot to showcase their BrainOS™ technology. The Brain Operating System is a combination of low-power, high performance smartphone processors that enables a new era of capable, low-cost autonomous robots that sense, decide and act by learning within different environments.

Robots for everyone 

As part of Brain Corp business strategy, we designed the eyeRover™ to be entirely 3D printed. This allows robot fanatics to access to the robot via mainstream channels affordably and quickly. Based on a Segway-like movement platform, we designed a round integrated body to house the motoring axle and the two wheels to take hard knocks and bumps.


Based on Brain Corp’s proprietary bStem technology, the robot is able to perform real-time motor control through stereo vision and articulated eyes. We designed a protective C-shell skull frame to allow easy assembly and full proliferation active stereo vision. We calculated the optimized 3D printing hours to determine the final size and the number of assembled exterior parts. The division and segmentation of the parts were designed for colour accents to add the element of fun creativity.

I was part of the team that worked on this project. All images and work belong to Nextofkin Creatives.

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